Leaving Shetland
My last day on Shetland was cold and wet. There was sleet and hail and it even started to snow as I boarded the ferry. I'm afraid I didn't go out on the deck to take a last photo of shetland. I sat in the warm, dry lounge instead.

Aberdeen, at 7.00 in the morning was much more cheerful. By the time I'd driven off the ferry the sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sun was shining.

I stopped at Dundee to look at the new V& A building. I got there very early, of course, and it didn't open for another hour. I dithered about getting a coffee somewhere, but in the end just went on with the long journey south.

It's a stunning building but its really only from across the Tay that you see it's ship like shape. The Discovery, the boat that took Scott and Shackleton on their first expedition to the Antarctic, is moored next to it. A trip to Shetland really isn't quite the same.
It's been an excellent month, though and very productive. It only reamains to be seen whether I can develop these drawings on into anything.

I'm exhibiting the Shetland drawings at the Apple Store Gallery in Hereford next week. The PV is on Saturday 13th April. I haven't even unpacked them yet. So not even I know what I'm going to be showing - a slightly terrifying feeling.
Shetland is such a beautiful place, even if my drawings don't really show just how beautiful it is. I'm already thinking about going back next year. Perhaps I should go in September next time.